The deadly diagnosis

This blog was originally created for Toby, my pet dog. Celebrating the lives of my two closest companions whose lives were cut short by deadly tumours.

His name was Toby.

He was my life, my friend, my companion, my pet dog, my everything.

We did everything together, from going on walks, car rides, begging quietly for crumbs at our mealtime (even though he just got fed), sun-bathing and sharing one bed, tucked under the same duvet.

Toby was drastically taken from me 14 days after being diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma, an aggressive cancer in dogs. I did not know this word and until today, I still do not know how to get the syllabus right.

Hemangiosarcoma is an aggressive type ofcancerthat can affect organs where blood vessels are present. Toby had a massive tumour in his heart that caused internal bleeding to his kidneys and abdomen. The vet suggested euthanization.

This blog is about celebrating Toby’s life as well as registering each and every day he was alive from the day he was diagnosed.

I grieved hugely…

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4 thoughts on “The deadly diagnosis

  1. I am sorry to hear that Toby is gone! How sad for you Jess. And how hard it is, not to have a friend to talk to, walk with and cuddle. Perhaps in time you may find another companion to share life…

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