littlegirlstory recommended MUST READ posts


I have been following some of your blogs and will devote one recommendation per month (or less) to share 10 posts that I have read and loved.  I hope other bloggers will enjoy reading them too.

The above badge is my creation and if your blog is recommended please feel free to pingback or reblog this post.  You may right click on my MUST READ badge and add it to your post and please link back the idea to this particular post.

This is just my raw idea as a way of saying THANK YOU for sharing your posts.

Here are my first 10 recommended posts that roll of this raw idea (in no particular order).

Please place your mouse on the nomination and click to get you there.

1.  We will start off learning how to make spicy indian potato balls.

2.  Let’s check out Leigh Kendall’s headspace perspective of Beautifu Aotearoa, a country where I now live.

3.  Fancy eating scorpions?  Let’s check out sandstone and amber’s bizarre foods in Beijing.

4.  If you do travel and go out and about, let’s go and check on some Australia slang.

5.  Do you know that your face is your autobiography – quoted Leading Personality’s insights on  Chinese face reading

6.  Want to try making some sweet potato gnocchi with mushroom sauce?  Prettyeasylife said it is not as difficult as it seems.

7.  Verawrites is asking ‘Carrots, eggs and coffee – which one are you?

8. Want to know why some of us wear shoes at home?  Mabel Kwong has the answer.

9.  Were you ever in a long-distance relationship?  Ping, your sweetheart has signed in so beautifully written by Zen Scribbles.

10.  Finally perhaps you may want to try making Flourless Chocolate cake?  Expat Alien shares with us a recipe from Whole foods market.

Wow, that was not such an easy task after all !  Took me longer than I thought.  Those above recommendations are from the earlier blogs I followed so if you know I am your follower and do not yet see your post in the recommendations please watch out this space coming up again soon.

Happy Reading !


Littlegirlstory reserves the right of this idea and no part or whole of the badge may be copied or altered.  Only the nominees listed here has the exclusive right to use this badge if they chose to for their nominated post.

19 thoughts on “littlegirlstory recommended MUST READ posts

  1. As the above poster mentioned, I like the way you described what each blog post is about. I also just noticed my article in there somewhere…thank you very much! And well done on designing the badge – very bright and cheery 🙂

  2. Pingback: Blogger Awards – Are they a pleasure or a pressure ? | littlegirlstory

  3. Pingback: Bizarre foods in Beijing | Sandstone and amber

  4. Personally, providing links to click on would be of more benefit to your readers than simply directing them where to go…

    If I were you, I’d add the links to this post! 🙂

    • Hi Julia, I have visited your new blog. Congrats for joining the bloggers community. I believe your blog is very new and I tried to post a comment there but could not find any buttons so perhaps you may want to check the layout and theme of your blog. Overall, my two pence worth of thoughts on the post contents, you may wish to break down your post into paragraphs as it will be easier to read . If the paragraph is too long, you may lost your readers halfway.
      Please check out the guidelines from wordpress on tips to customize your blog
      Happy Blogging.

Please share your thoughts.