Please pray for all those affected

My national carrier
and my home country
so much talked about for the last two days
breaking news all for the wrong reason
heart breaking beyond words.

I honestly do not know where to start
or how to express or pen my thoughts
for all those affected far and near
may they be strong as they anxiously wait
crying out for their lost loved ones.

Please join us in prayers
for an answer to this mystery
let’s not call it a tragedy
as the clock ticks we can only pray
find our missing Malaysia Airlines MH370.

Today all Malaysians stand in solidarity with those on flight MH370 and their loved ones.

– quote Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak –

Flight with 227 on board missing .... Malaysia Airlines service bound for beijing lost.

Missing plane … Malaysia Airlines flight 370 was bound for Beijing and has vanished.


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Malaysia Airlines plane missing
The search continues

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