Quick & easy way to make your own cafe-styled coffee

I am a foodie and I love being in the kitchen.

I have lots and lots of recipe books but they are as good as new.  I love buying them and perhaps may read them once over and then there they sit in the bookcase.  I am attracted to the colors and pictures of food and am a collector of recipe books.  I love to cook but I never cook with a recipe book opened in front of me in the kitchen.

I like to do things quick and simple, not too fussed about details or step by step instructions as in following a recipe.  I gave up using my coffee machine finding it too complicated and all the washing after use for the sake of only a cup of coffee.

Prompted via Daily Prompt: Teach Your (Bloggers) Well, I am sharing with you my quick and simple way of how to froth milk with a coffee plunger.

First I make my coffee.  I use either coffee powder or the three in one ready mix.  Mix with a quarter full of hot boiling water and stir.  Secondly, pour about one third of a cup of milk in the plunger glass and pump it up and down to get a good amount of froth.  Remove the plunger and heat the milk in the plunger glass in microwave for 20-30 seconds and the milk froth will be stabilized.  (I used to heat the milk first before plunging and found it to have the same effect so either way works.)  Lastly using a spoon to hold back the foam pour the warm milk into the coffee, scope the foam into the ready made coffee and top with chocolate or cinnamon.

For more interesting coffee, you may add a teaspoon of liqueur or coffee flavours like hazelnut, vanilla or caramel.

I just thought I’d share my method of making milk froth without a fancy machine or the hassle of washing the whole set of coffee machine.

Be your own barista and enjoy a homemade cup of
cafe-styled coffee, quick and easy !


13 thoughts on “Quick & easy way to make your own cafe-styled coffee

  1. I love being able to make my frothy coffee right at home. My coffee plunger is stainless steel so no microwave for me. I warm-up my milk in my coffee cup, switch it to the plunger once warm than pump it. I use my warm cup to make my coffee (straight from our Keurig). I let the plunger sit for 30 seconds to a minute once I am done pumping to let it settle before adding to my coffee. I am not a chocolate fan so I top it with maple flakes… 🙂 This is my weekend treat!

    • Hi Pascale, Oh definitely a NO NO to a stainless steel plunger in a microwave. Yes warm the milk in the cup is an alternative. Thank you for your comments and sounds like we have the same treat for weekends. 🙂

  2. My parents are collect recipe books like you too. Buy them from the book shop, read them once, slot them into the bookshelf. Never to be opened while cooking in the kitchen. I for one like to have the recipe on my phone 🙂

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