It’s cold but I have my pride and joy.

It’s the start of winter, too early for heaters.
I slouch in bed, covered in my summer duvet.
Fully clothed in pajamas with a cardigan wrap.
I feel cold, is it the winter kicking in
or is it cold to be in bed alone?

Tonight I will share my little secret.
In my bedroom, there are two beds.
I can hear him snoring.
He knows when I am still awake
he is not allowed on my bed.

In the darkness of the night
when I too am sound asleep.
A warm blanket, soft and furry
cuddled besides me under my duvet.
My prized possession, my pride and joy.


Inspired by the cold weather via Daily Prompt : My pride and joy




14 thoughts on “It’s cold but I have my pride and joy.

  1. Pingback: The Daily Prompt: Pride and Joy in Person | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  2. Pingback: Pride and Joy | My Atheist Blog

  3. Pingback: The Value of Stupidity | Pulsar Passages

  4. Pingback: itsmayurremember

  5. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Pride and Joy | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

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