Daily Prompt: Young At Heart

Daily Prompt: Young At Heart

by Krista on March 22, 2014

What are your thoughts on aging? How will you stay young at heart as you get older?

via Daily Prompt: Young At Heart.

Aging is a natural process.  Skin changes are amongst the most visible signs of aging. Evidence of increasing age includes wrinkles and sagging skin. Whitening or graying of the hair is another obvious sign of aging.

How about the heart?  Does the heart age too?

There is often a saying that you are only as old (or as young) as you believe.

The mind is not a willing partner to admit one is old but often the body is the visible results of age due to environmental factor and the natural aging process.

Here are seven tips to stay young at heart.

1.   Do not use age as an excuse.  Carry on doing your daily outdoor activities (acceptable if done at a lower pace).  Keep going to gym, swim, cycle, dance and other socials.

2.   Laugh and mix with vibrant people, avoid those who continuously complain of the aches, the pains and all the troubles they have in their lives.  All these negatively will get into you.

3.   Drink plenty of water.  Eat healthy but still enjoy what you love (fast food, burger, fish & chips) in moderation.  Read here for the food habits that age you  http://experiencelife.com/article/food-habits-that-age-you/

4.   Go for daring colors.  No one says that only the young can wear red.  For duller color outfits, mix with some costume jewelries.  Men could wear black and a choker or pendant for the cool style.  Stay trendy.

5.   Stay informed.  Varied your taste in music, keep in tune with the latest hits.  Talk to your teenage children or grandchildren.

6.   Travel the world, mix with people of all ages, do not restrict yourself to oldies group or you will end up thinking you are older than you actually are.

7.  Use body lotion, skin care and sunscreen.   Dye your hair, black, brown, purple, red,  blonde or any fanciful colors.